Principal’s Message

Dear Arvida Middle School Teachers and Staff,

As we stand on the brink of the 2024-2025 school year, I am filled with excitement and pride to welcome our students tomorrow. Our theme this year, “Excellence in Action,” perfectly encapsulates the incredible dedication, passion, and commitment that each of you brings to our school every day.

Thank you for your tireless efforts in preparing your beautiful classrooms and our campus. Your creativity and hard work create a welcoming and inspiring environment that our students will thrive in. Our campus is officially open for business, and it is because of your unwavering dedication that we can confidently begin this year’s new adventure.

As we embark on this exciting new year, I am reminded of the remarkable impact each of you has on the lives of our students. You are the heartbeat of Arvida Middle School, and it is through your excellence in teaching, support, and care that our students will be motivated to achieve great things.

Let’s make this a year of happiness and success, where we bring our theme to life through every lesson, every interaction, and every moment of learning. I am confident that together, we will create a school year that is both memorable and transformative for our students.

Thank you for being the outstanding educators and staff that you are. Your excellence sets the standard for our students and exemplifies the very best of what our school community can achieve. I am honored to work alongside each of you and look forward to a year filled with achievements and joy.

Happy New Year, and let’s make it an exceptional one!


Angela Holbrook,