Arvida Middle School, an A+ school, was built in 1976 on 9.193 acres of land in Southwest Miami Dade County. It is located at 10900 SW 127th Avenue. Arvida, consisting of a two-story building with an addition of 11 classrooms, currently houses 1030 students in grades 6-8.
The following represents basic demographics of our school:
- The student population is 6.7% white, 4.3% black, 86.7% Hispanic, 1.9% Asian. 29.3% of the students are gifted, 11.2% are SWD and 7.4% are ELL students.
- Population by grade level is: 260-6th grade, 338-7th grade, 431-8th grade.
- The feeder pattern includes Calusa, William Lehman, Claude Pepper, Gloria Floyd, and Kendale Elementary Schools and Killian High School.
- Special Programs: The Global Academy and the Forensic Science/Fine Arts Academy offer regular, advanced, honors and gifted classes. Classes for high school credit include: Algebra, Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, Spanish and French.