Angela Holbrook

Dear Students and Parents,

I welcome you to Arvida Middle School and to another successful school year. As a Magnet Schools of America, National Award of Excellence Winner, we are committed to our students and parents for academic excellence, developmental responsiveness, and social equity. Our school leadership team has developed a school-wide Honor Code with a testament of Viking Pride as our guiding vision for the values of Honesty, Integrity, and Responsibility in all that we say, write, and do every day. Along with your partnership, we will further advance our school of excellence for the development of all Viking students.

I have three core beliefs about middle grades education:

  • Student development and achievement is our primary purpose, and we must be accountable for all students’ learning and growth at high levels.
  • Parent engagement supports and maintains the educational process while setting a personal and character development standard for students.
  • The teaching and learning environment is the pathway to establish positive school experiences and to motivate students to dream big and work hard

These beliefs guide my educational decisions and help me set a foundation on which to develop school improvement goals. Combined with good communication, I have found these beliefs to be of value in supporting a child-centered learning environment. I welcome all ideas, suggestions, and opportunities to enhance the educational environment and culture in our school.

It is a privilege to be your principal at Arvida Middle School. I humbly ask you to get involved and support our PTSA efforts. I look forward to a great school year.


Angela Holbrook,